Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The end is near!

The front of the house is finished - if, of course, I don't discover something that needs changed. You can't really see it in the photo but I edged the inside of the blue rims on the shutters and door with a fine black line. It makes the shutters look much more finished. The bay and porch have black scrapbook paper roofing. I will cut the paper into shingles for the actual roof and then add splatters of other colors to make them look more like real shingles. I also highlighted some of the bricks in other colors. I may do more but the ones I've done made a big difference in the overall look of the brick sheets. Just the sides to go! Then I will start to think about what I want to do with the attic and continue to add accessories.

I'm using contact adhesive to put the brick on. It's working really well. I will be glad to be done with the smell though. At this rate that should be soon!

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