Friday, February 26, 2016

Touching up on snow day#3

 Today I concentrated on cleaning up little problem areas to make the house look more complete. The living room paneling had several areas that showed up white in photos. A little bit of paint with a fine tipped brush fixed that problem. Looking at the photo below, it looks like the area over the door could use a bit more paint. Well, almost fixed.

 I added ceiling trim to the kitchen because all my wallpaper edges weren't straight. The trim is made from the plastic guards that come over windshield wipers. Cut them at the seam to make two strips of trim, paint the inside, and glue in place. Recycling at its best!
 The cowboy room had a couple of small gaps that were easily fixed with a bit of trim.
The exterior paint work was touched up and sealed with a coat of matte Mod Podge.

Even though these weren't big projects, they were the kind of detail work that makes a mini home look more like a real one. Have a wonderful day, my friends!

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