Saturday, March 5, 2016

I'm not very good at this...

... but I need to do a little self promoting. All vintage items are 10% in my Zibbet shop. Most pieces are 1:24 scale and are great for the Marx tin lithograph houses in that scale. Anything tagged with the word vintage is also on sale. You can visit my website or Zibbet. I truly need to be better about advertising. I haven't had a sale since Zibbet launched the beautiful new site. Stop in and have a look around.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!


  1. The zibbet link on your side bar doesn't seem to work! It directs to me to a "not found" page on your blog!

  2. Thank you! I've got that fixed now. The DeLightful Minis one at the top takes you to my website and the Zibbet bar takes you to that shop. I never even thought to check the links after the site moved. Thanks again for pointing that out. :-)

  3. I discovered your blog while looking for images of the duracraft farmhouse 505 (which I am currently building-my first build). Yours is wonderfully done!

  4. I can't wait to read through the rest of your blog!

  5. Thank you, Laura! I hope you find some helpful tips.


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