Sunday, June 5, 2016

Detail oriented

 I couldn't wait to start on the details. I know what I want to put in the upper hall but I got tired of making furniture so I started on accessories. The kitchen got a new curtain, canisters, and a pan for the stove.
The living room got lamps, a bowl for the coffee table, and some art. I want to make a plant for the floor to the right of the door.

 The master bedroom now has a bedside lamp and a new art piece.
 I changed the valances to more formal drapes. I just didn't like what I first had in here.
 The girl's room and the upper hall got drapes to match the valances that I started with.
The bathroom got necessities like toilet paper and a hand towel.

The details always make a dollhouse look more realistic. I think that's why it's my favorite part of a project. I will finish that upper hall this week, I promise!


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