Wednesday, December 21, 2016


 This is the project I told you I'd been thinking about. I turned this Christmas book box into a toy store. Well, the facade of a toy store anyway.
 The cover - I added the store name as a book title on the spine of the book but forgot to get pics of that. I need to take pictures tomorrow when the glue is dry anyway. I couldn't wait that long to share photos tonight.
 My little girl's winter outerwear came from a variety of sources. Her coat was cut down from the suit coat a Victorian gentleman came in. Her boots came with the owner of Then Again Antiques. I cut them down and dressed them up a bit to look more like little girl snow boots. Her hat and scarf started life as one of my socks. I knew I'd find a use for that cute sock with a hole in the heel.
 You can't tell from the photos but the window display is lit up. Inside there's a fireplace and a shelf with dolls and a teddy bear. You can see Santa's boots in the fireplace as he comes down the chimney.
I will try to get better pictures tomorrow. It feels so good to have had some mini time!

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