Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Cleaning with a bit of renovation

 Both of these projects are favorites because of all the swap items that were made by online friends. Both got a good cleaning to come out for summer display. The back porch lawn got a complete redo. When I first extended the lawn all I had was scraps of AstroTurf from a friend. I made it work but I wasn't really happy with it. As I was cleaning the scene today I remembered that I had leftover model railroad grass. And so it began. I am much happier and, I am guessing, so are Grandma, Grandpa, and the kids now that the lawn has finally been mowed after all these years. ;-)

 The beach house living room box was made from a regular corrugated cardboard box. Siding, windows, and a porch do a good job of hiding the humble origins.


  1. has hecho una buena renovación-limpieza en las escenas,de vez en cuando hay que tratar aquello que por el tiempo o la inexperiencia se va estropeando!

  2. Perfecta, no le falta detalles.Felicidades:_)

  3. Hello De,
    What beautiful pictures. the projects are terrific, and I love the landscape.
    Big hug

  4. they're both so cool, I like looking at them. where in the world did you find that stingray bike that's a great find.

    Marisa :)

  5. Thanks, everyone! Marisa,the bike is a Hallmark Christmas ornament.

  6. I too love the landscape. Did you create the dolls yourself? I know you can as I have one very cute baby you sent me.

  7. Thank you, Drora! I did make all of these dolls.


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