Sunday, February 18, 2018

Big news but no mini news this weekend

Maverick's birthday party was a success. He greeted his guests at the door wearing this shirt.

And here is his baby brother or sister coming in September.

While they were here a family friend took one year old portraits.
 And this his mama when she was about 8 1/2 months old. Just a bit of family resemblance, lol.
I hope to start painting the stone exterior on the dollhouse this week. I also have some touch up work to do inside. The kind of things that show up in photos that you don't really notice just looking at the house. But once I see them I have to fix them - just like all of the other miniaturists I know. Updates will be coming soon!

Have a wonderful blessing filled week, my friends!


  1. Enhorabuena por el próximo miembro de la familia!!! Maverick se convertirá en hermano mayor,eso es muy importante!
    Nosotros también esperamos un nuevo miembro para Julio y se lo emocionante que es la espera.
    Las fotos de tu hija y de tu nieto son realmente parecidas!
    Que trabajes bien en tus miniaturas!

  2. Hello De,
    Congratulations! What happy news.
    Big hug

  3. Felicidades por un niño tan guapo, se parece mucho a su madre y felicidades también por el futuro bebe en septiembre.Feliz semana:-)


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