Sunday, February 11, 2018

Lots of time to play

 Today was a pretty quiet day after church so I was able to work on the cottage. The bedroom is finished except for the little details. I am so pleased with how it turned out.
 The living room is mostly finished as well. It needs more things to make it look lived in but it looks cozy and comfortable. Wallpapering around the windows with the curtains still in place was interesting. I had already decided to keep the curtains. It's a good thing I did because those things were not coming off. I made the fireplace completely from scratch with my usual random mix of leftovers but it works. ;-)
 I started a gallery wall over the buffet. I made a pretty little bowl filled with glass balls, too.
I got a lot accomplished today. Real life is happening tomorrow so I am not sure when I will get back to it but you all know how I get once I start a project, lol.

Have a wonderful


  1. Todas las habitaciones tienen un aspecto fabuloso!!! Seguiré esperando novedades,ánimo!

  2. Hello De,
    These rooms are great! I love the color schemes in both and I think they are beautifully furnished. well done.
    Big hug

  3. I think that You deserve an Award for being able to wallpaper around curtains! :D
    You blue bedroom is very pretty and your living room IS INDEED cosy!



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