Sunday, March 18, 2018

Just relaxing

Tasha and her dog George (because he looks a bit like my childhood pet of the same name) are relaxing after their first public appearance at my church talent night. I love the look of wonder on children's faces when they see a dollhouse. Especially if it has lights. I always also get a few adults who don't understand why I play with toys but that's ok. It is hard to explain just how special this hobby is to someone. I am thankful for all of you who do "get it!"


  1. Es gratificante ver caras asombradas de admiración por las escenas que hacemos y si les vas explicando materiales que utilizas cuando reciclas aún se asombran más.
    ¿¿Loa que no lo entienden?? no importa.....compensan las felicitaciones.
    Un abrazo

  2. Que bien que les gustara a los niños y seguro que también a los adultos,aunque les cueste reconocerlo!
    Se merecen un buen descanso!

  3. Hi! Did you make that sofa and matching chair? Very nice!

  4. I did not, Lucille. They were in a lot of furniture that I purchased from my cousin.


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