Monday, October 1, 2018

Meet John and Louise

 But first that weird spot upstairs. I'm sorry the photo is so blurry. I will try again tomorrow. I'm not sure if there were stairs at some point but they would end right in the kitchen so I won't be putting any in. I will just close in the gap and maybe put tile in that area or wood flooring more likely.
 The bed has been dressed in a quilt made from a square my Grandma Foote made. I chose to overlook the scale issue in order to have a bit of my history in the house.

Now to meet Louise and John - Louise was made by me and used to be in my Zibbet shop before I closed it recently. I redressed her in an outfit better suited to her new role as a farmer's wife. Hopefully she will be happy because she used to be a wealthy, contemporary widow.

John was an assembled but not dressed doll I bought with the dollhouse. He is just happy to be dressed, lol.

Louise is looking through her trunk of quilts for another layer on the bed. The "quilts" are just fabric with quilt prints but they look great in the trunk. I have a Chrysnbon kit for the dining table and chairs but the sitting room furniture will need to be made from scratch. I also need to decide just what I am doing inside and out of the house. I may have to wallpaper inside just to hide some of the awkward construction.

I have to move everything out of the dining room tomorrow because our Bible study is meeting here for dinner and study. I may not get back to creating until the weekend but I will post updates as I have them. Have a wonderful, blessing filled week!


  1. Jonh y Louise forman una bonita pareja y estoy segura que les vas a crear un bello y confortable hogar!!


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