Saturday, March 16, 2019

It isn't finished but...

It's finished enough for the talent show. I still need to make shutters for the exterior but they can wait.
 There is one lone lamp for the living room but it will have to do for now.
 The door has a knob and the hutch is filled. My mom passed away last summer and my sister gave me a bunch of Mom's craft supplies that I hadn't gone through yet. I found several things for the hutch.
 I forgot to take photos of the kitchen after I hung the lights. I will have to add those later. None of the lights are working.
 The bedroom got a pair of lamps. I love how these turned out.
 There is make up and perfume on the tray, a small jewelry box and flowers on the dresser.
 I also made a tiny alarm clock.
 The bathroom now has a light over the sink and I made mouthwash for the bathroom, and pine-sol, rubbing alcohol, and Downy for the laundry area. Many of those were made from light bright type pegs. The fabric softener jug was made from the little bottle hubby's nebulizer meds come in.
I also got a couple of loads of laundry done today and switched the winter decor to spring. We had snow on the ground when we got up this morning but spring is coming!



  1. You have created a beautiful house in a very short time. A lovely modern and cozy style. I love it. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Hello De,
    I am happy you got it done in time for the show. It looks amazing and I am sure you got a wonderful reaction from the crowd.
    Big hug


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