Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Gift from a Friend

A friend who is really more like a sister brought me a new project yesterday.

 It is the Greenleaf Brookwood. I have always thought this would be a fun house to decorate but I didn't really want to build it. Thanks to my friend, I get to do my favorite part, decorating, without having to do a full build. Life is good!

Stay tuned for updates!


  1. Que maravilloso regalo!! me encantará ver su transformación en tus manos!!

  2. How kind and sweet of your friend, De, I can't wait to see more of this project! Have fun!
    Kind regards, Ilona

  3. What an awesome and thoughtful gift! I bet this house is as excited to be in your hands as you are to have it! Can't wait to see all the marvelous things you make and fill it with! It looks to be in really great shape, and the colors are so light and lovely!

  4. Congratulations on this beautiful gift! Have fun decorating it.
    Hugs, Drora

  5. You have the best friends! So awesome!


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