Tuesday, May 7, 2019

My prize from Drora came today!

 This little pup is very brave to bark at a cat that is bigger than she is. Such an adorable little dog.

 I switched the pink ribbon roses for these beautiful and much more realistic flowers made by Drora.
 The pot of sunflowers, little bird bath with a bunny, a bird, and flowers, and the small wheelbarrow all look wonderful with my sunroom.
For now the tiny teapot is in my printers tray. I want to enjoy it a bit longer before putting it a dollhouse. I forgot to take a photo of the rug beater. It is beautifully made. Thank you so much, Drora! I love everything!


  1. Drora is such a treasure and her minis just smart and adorable! Lucky you!!!

  2. Que bien has ubicado los bonitos regalos de Drora,disfruta de ellos!!

  3. I'm so pleased the parcel arrived safely with all the tiny items whole. I see you already found a use for most of them. Enjoy all!

  4. Awwww, what a cute little pooch!, and he looks right at home too! Obviously he has the proverbial Small Dog Syndrome although the cat doesn't seem to mind and is effectively ignoring him. No doubt before long they'll become Best Friends! :D



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