Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mama must have gone shopping

Because she has a new outfit and the living room now has a rug. I had to make her shirt with long sleeves because of the way she is constructed. It looked dumb to have her cloth covered arms showing since the tape used wasn't flesh colored. I am much happier with the bell sleeved top and skinny ankle slacks. I am waiting on our computer to get back from the repair shop so I can make artwork for the walls. It is slowly coming together. I will soon have to start cutting poster board strips for siding...


  1. You have done so much in such a short time and everything looks marvelous.

  2. Oh I love her new outfit! And I just noticed the pebbles in the coffee table and the fish ottoman! Really cute!

  3. Thank you! They are actually tiny sea shells in the coffee table. All I had on hand were the pastel colored ones rather than the natural ones.


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