Thursday, July 18, 2019

Outside work begins

 First I painted the plastic chairs white. It took multiple coats to cover the aqua. Then I made the umbrella. I had the right size dowel to fit the existing umbrella holder already on hand.
 I printed a photo of an umbrella from the top and cut it out. I made my own vented portion from the scraps. Folding and gluing took forever. But it all turned out so well.
The deck has been stained pale gray. I'm thinking I need to add some dark gray over the top to look more like weathered wood. I really need to start cutting siding strips but my daughter and newest grandbaby are here enjoying our air conditioning during this crazy heatwave. I promise I will get to it eventually!


  1. Very clever to get the pattern from a top down photo! It came out great!

  2. Just what a deck needs, a pair of chairs to relax in and an umbrella for protection from sun or rain. With a pot or two of green plants, it will be perfect/
    Hugs, Drora


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