Monday, August 5, 2019

Chair tutorial

 The supplies needed for the chair are inexpensive. The body of the chair is a toilet paper roll cut into the shape shown in the photo above. You will also need jute twine, tacky glue, clamps, a piece of foam core cut into a circle that rests on the chair as a seat, a fabric scrap to cover the cushion.
 I started gluing at the center back. Wrap the twine around the base until you get to the seat cushion part. Then you will wrap around the back to the front of the chair back. The twine needs a bit more help to stay in place until the glue sets so you will need to clamp the sides as you wrap. The inside center of the back is another area that doesn't stick as well at first.
 I just stopped every so often to let the glue set a bit. That is a good time to cover the foam core cushion with your fabric.
 Next, cut a section of twine long enough to cover the edge of the back from one side to the other. Glue this trim piece in place. A braided piece would also look nice. Now you are ready to glue the seat cushion in place. Let all the glue dry completely...
 ...and put your chairs in place.
Baby wipes are helpful to keep your fingers from getting too sticky.

I think there could be a lot of fun variations - cutting the tube into a slightly different shape, using other types or colors of string, etc. If you make anything similar, I would love to see your creations.

Have a wonderful, blessing filled day wherever you are!


  1. Que bonito tutorial,me gustan mucho esos sillones,gracias!

  2. This is a fantastic idea De and a wonderful execution! You are so great at making unique and wonderful mini accessories out of everyday real life items! Great work and thank you for sharing the tutorial!

  3. Thank you, De for showing how it's done. The chairs turned out great~
    Hugs, Drora


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