Thursday, May 21, 2009

An award after another long day of moving

Thank you, Belle, for the Butterfly "Coolest Blog Award." Belle said in her post that she didn't know how I was able to get so much done. I get a lot of mini work done when I'm under stress and this has been a VERY stressful month. The advantage is that my dollhouse is looking great!

I'm awarding this to all of my blogging friends. I so enjoy reading and following your blogs and I've learned so much. Thank you all!

My husband is doing better. He's going to work tomorrow and he helped with moving our daughter home from college today. I really think he should stay home tomorrow but I don't think that will happen. Yesterday my brother helped me move our oldest daughter back home. The house still looks somewhat like a war zone but it's improving.

I hope to have some time for minis tomorrow. I need it to save what's left of my sanity. It has been a very long week. Maybe I'll have some pictures tomorrow.

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