Friday, May 22, 2009

We've had some bad news

Don't worry if I don't post much for the next several days. My father in law fell last night and broke his hip. He is 88 and very fragile and the doctors aren't sure if he'll make it through the necessary surgery. He has overcome many things in the past several years that a lesser man would not have survived, including running over himself with a tractor. He's been as much a father as my own was and it is very difficult to see him so weak and frail.


  1. We're sending thoughts and prayers in your direction. Remember to take care of yourself too!

  2. Prayers are on their way... sounds like he's a very strong man :) -ara

  3. :0 tractor! He sounds like a real fighter to me.

    Our thoughts are with your family for a smooth surgery and quick recovery.

  4. That's terrible, Poor fella! I'll be thinking of you guys..... :)

  5. De, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. hugs


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