Monday, August 10, 2009

Here are the pics I promised

Obviously, there's still a lot work to do but I got a good start today. The juke box needs some beads for buttons and knobs so it has some dimension but I think it will work. I'm very happy with the booths and the counter and stools. The booth benches are pieces of metal angle brackets that I saved from something and the tables were made from cappaccino container lids and film canisters. The counter was made from a wooden box a watch came in and the stools are bits of hardware with vintage soda lids for seats.

I did have a catastrophe today, though. Zyla got into the craft room and ate some of my mini food I had out for the diner. I can't wait until she gets past this stage. It makes me crazy!

The next step for the diner is to prime the interior and figure out paint or wallpaper. I want a black and white tile floor and pink upper walls. I think I will raise the floor level of the front part to match the kitchen level...or at least make them closer to the same height.


  1. Your diners is so fun. The stool are genial!

  2. Your little stools are so cute! Love the bar too!

  3. The diner looks great! I think my favorite part are the tables you made from lids! -ara

  4. Wow De, it is adorable so far! I love the stools!


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