Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A tale of a puppy and some hornets...

We had a rough start this morning. Zyla, our lab mix 18 month old, got into a hornets' nest. She was frantically trying to get them off of her - there were at least 30! - and when I went out to help I got stung, too. We've been to the vet for her - I just took Benadryl 'cause I only got a few stings. Now Zyla's afraid to go outside. Can't say that I blame her but we'll have to work on that soon.

I worked a bit more on the booths last night. I added black piping to the backrests and it looks great. I also added buttons to the juke box. I'm still hoping to put in some time today and get updated photos later.


  1. Ahhh, poor puppy! I would be afraid to go outside again too! Hope she is feeling better soon. How traumatic for both of you!

    I like the little juke box you are making. So cute!

  2. Poor Zyla and poor you! Take care!



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