Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mini quilt, ala Casey

The first time I alternated navy and green, every other one. That made a striped effect that I didn't want. So I tried again with two navy, two green. I like the resulting pattern much better. This is a great way to use up old bias tape or woven ribbon. I had some of each on hand from one of my mom's craft supply sorting sessions. I tend to get what she no longer wants or needs. :0) I like the blues and greens in the quilt. I'm not sure what I'm going to use for the backing fabric yet. I need to raid the fabric drawers to see what I can find. I'll post photos of the finished quilt.


  1. Great looking quilt! I am definitely gonna have to give Casey's tutorial a try!

  2. That looks super I luv it!
    Great Job!
    Im still trying to catch up with the real house right now!
    Visitors coming tomorrow
    I wanna mini!!!!!I wanna make a quilt!

  3. De, that looks great! :)

    Can't wait to see the finished product.

    If you use three ribbons, they stagger and become a completely different pattern.

    You can really have a lot of fun with this techinique. :)

  4. De, if you go three in a strip going one way, you will get a nine patch. Keep up the good work! I will be interested to see what you come up with.

  5. Thanks everyone! I'll try the three on the next one. Thank you Dale and Casey for that tip.


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