Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ta Da!

While I was working on the quilt I decided to use it in the dollhouse that represents my real house. While I liked what I had before it didn't really look like anything hubby and I have ever had in our bedroom. So I tore the entire bed apart and made a new headboard based on my real one. I also made new curtains and table cloths for the room. It looks great!
The house is a Christmas house all the time because it's my favorite holiday. Hubby plays the French horn, there's a dollhouse in the corner because most of my dollhouses are in our room. I'm so excited about how the redecorating turned out!


  1. Hi De!
    I just nominated you for an award over at my blog. Please click on over to pick it up!
    Your creativity amazes me!

  2. De, the quilt came out beautifully and the bedroom looks great. :)

  3. That looks fantastic De
    what a lovely room!
    Luv all the bits and pieces in the room that tells a story about you
    The quilt looks perfect!

  4. De, your quilt looks fantastic in your little bedroom. I love the idea that you made a roombox that represents you and your hubby! Just wonderful!!!

  5. How nice to have your house in mini. It's like a chinese box. The quilt is very very good. Rosanna

  6. wow, the quilt turned out amazing! The bed looks great too!!!


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