Friday, October 30, 2009

Moving furniture

But not in my real house. I did some bed swapping in the dollhouses and reworked my very first attempt at a brass bed. The original bed was made 20 years ago and I was never completely happy with it. Plus it didn't really fit well in the room I made it for. I took it apart, added some bits, painted the whole thing to look like a painted iron bed and put it in Magnolia Way. It looks more like a bed that Kate would have and has the added advantage of actually being long enough for her, lol. I'll find a home for the short little kit bed that was in her room.
Rearranging the bedroom meant I needed to find a spot for her painting. That fits nicely in the living room in front of the window so she has good light. I had to rearrange the living room to fit that in but at least moving mini furniture is not too difficult. I didn't have to strain any muscles at all. :-)


  1. Thank you for the picture of the 'iron bed'!. I am stumbling through my very first build, and have been trying to make a brass/iron (or any, really) bed. I came across your blog, and now am reading it cover to cover, and I must thank you for sharing your talents with the rest of us. Even ten years or so later, you inspire other newbies like me. So thank you! And now I must read on, I have many years to go lol!

  2. Thank you! I am still learning and improving with each project. Thanks beauty of this hobby is that you get to experiment with so many different skills. Have fun! Also, there are a couple of other beds that may help. Search for the farmhouse (master bedroom headboard) and the boarding house (the male renter's bed.)


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