Thursday, October 29, 2009

Progress on the twin's dollhouse

These photos are all before the door and window holes are cut out and there's a wall cabinet to hang over the sink/stove combination. The Dora border will also act as a backsplash for the kitchen.
There's also still a lot of accessorizing to do but much progress was made today.

I forgot to take a pic of the exterior. Theresa has chosen a bright pink, a dark rose and white. It's going to be a very pretty little house. I promise there will be photos when everything is finished.


  1. The girls are going to LOVE this!
    Can't wait to see the exterior!

  2. De- this is just too cute- these girls are going to be over-joyed when they see this little house. You have done such a wonderful job on it ♥

  3. Thank you! Theresa has done all of the construction. I'm just the interior decorator, :-).


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