Sunday, January 24, 2010

I can't fix this...

Yesterday my daughter's fiance of 1 year, boyfriend of 3 yrs, decided that he's not ready for the responsibility of marriage and he ended their relationship. There are not words to describe the pain I'm feeling as I watch my daughter try to make sense of this. She has had to overcome so many hurdles due to her chronic illness and I can't bear to see her have to overcome one so painful. We all love him, he's become a part of our family. Please continue to pray for our family as we grieve for this new loss so soon after losing my father-in-law. Also, as I begin the process of unplanning a year's worth of wedding plans.


  1. Oh De that is so sad!
    A very difficult time for you all
    My daughter went through a similar ordeal 2 years ago!
    It is so hard! She is doing great now and is getting on with life!
    She tells me that going to a counsellor was the best thing she ever did and has told me we ALL should go lol
    So will be thinking about your dear girl! Praying all will be well soon!

  2. Oh dear, that IS sad. Your daughter must be devastated. My son went through a similar situation a couple of years ago. It was SO hard to watch him cry and ask me why. It is a real blow to their self esteem.
    I guess all we can do is be there for them and listen...

  3. I hope time heals this hurt for your daughter and she finds new wonders to fill her life with.
    Sending good thoughts and my best wishes.

    Nikki xxx

  4. Lo siento mucho!!!!!, dale mucho cariƱo que ahora lo va a necesitar, le mando toda la energia positiva del mundo, ojala y todo vaya muy bien.besitos para las dos.

  5. It is very painful now but it is good that the relationship ended now rather than after several years of marraige. My son went through a very painful divorce after twelve years of marraige to a woman who could not accept the responsibility. He feels he has lost twelve years of his life. I do pray for you and hope your daughter has the strength to realize that in the long run it was best to find out now rather than later. The pain will lessen in time but that does not make it go away now.

  6. Oh De- my heart breaks for you and your daughter. There are no words for her right now that will make it better-but I do agree with Deni- if she can bear it I advise a counselor. Sometimes it is a lot easier to tell a stranger how you feel, especially when the entire family was so close to him. I will keep you all in my prayers for strength to help her with the pain and for your pain also. Hugs to you. big hugs.

  7. She is planning to go to the campus counseling center. She's been in counseling before due to depression so she knows it's what she needs to do.


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