Monday, January 25, 2010

I'll be back sometime, I promise

I won't be posting much for awhile. I don't want to just post about sad things. Right now, though, there isn't much joy in my heart and I just can't work on minis. Even my new log cabin kit has no appeal.

I do want to say, though, that contrary to the way it looks, there is no doubt that my daughter's fiance loves and cherishes her. I don't really think that's changed. There's just some other stuff going on with him - he is normally a very responsible and caring young man. I hate that this makes him look like a jerk, because he isn't.

My daughter is back at school for the week and it is going to be very difficult for her to stay focused so your continued prayers would be very appreciated.

Thanks for caring.


  1. Oh- I would never for a moment have thought him a jerk- not after how you talked of him and not if your family adores him and already considered him part of the family. I hope that he has someone to talk to also- I am sure it hurt him to come to this decision. I am glad you posted this De so we don't worry about you and your daughter- I will keep your family in my prayers- I know it is painful for all of you.

  2. So sorry to hear about this, I know how excited she has been over planning the wedding. Hopefully Everything works out in the long run!


  3. I can totally understand, wanting to stop doing the minis right now sometimes we have to break to attend to more important things happening in our lives
    Will be praying all will be sorted really quickly for your lovely daughter
    We miss you already!


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