Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sort of normal again

Things are slowly returning to normal around here. Late last night/early this morning I finished changing the downstairs Christmas decorations to the snowmen I put out for the winter. I still have to take down the big Christmas tree in our bedroom but I'm not quite ready to start that yet. It's a huge project as everyone has their own ornaments and this year, due to my father in law's death, the kids won't be home to help. They usually put their own ornaments away and then I deal with the rest. I will probably start that project tomorrow.

I have a new swap project to get started on but still don't have any idea what I'm going to make. It's a garden swap. I have some great printies that might be a good start. I'm still too tired to think that clearly, lol. Hopefully, I'll be able to start soon.

Thank you all again for the caring comments you've left. It's really wonderful to know that so many people around the world are thinking about you. I am so happy to have made so many amazing friends!


  1. De courage, for us who remain on earth, life goes on ....
    You find strength in what is more beautiful than you do, the thumbnails .. I stay here and wait for your new projects ...
    I embrace you!!

  2. I am sorry to have read your news De (((((())))))

  3. A garden swap? Sounds like fun!
    I just might have to think about doing one later... Is your still open?

  4. what a fun blog i just found you, check me out too! http://tinytinacreations.blogspot.com

  5. Kathi, I'm in a group that's by invitation only. That's where the garden swap is.

    Welcome, Tina!


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