Monday, January 4, 2010

Thank you!

Thank you all so much for your kind words during our time of loss. My father-in-law's funeral service today was a beautiful celebration of a wonderful man's 89 years of life. I'm very happy that he is no longer in pain and is celebrating with Jesus in heaven. However, I am sad that I can't get a big hug or a few words of wisdom from my "second daddy." My father passed away this same time of year 7 years ago. I was so lucky to have a father-in-law who was willing to "fill the gap." In many ways, he understood me so much better than my father. I'm going to miss him very much.

As things return to some form of normal around here I hope to return to blogging regularly again. Thank you again for your support.


  1. Hello De ... I read only now, forgive me!
    I am very sorry for the loss of your dad, I hope that soon you resume your life, I just think now he is in a better place ... and looks at you and protects you, still love you ... her sweet memory will make you company for the rest of your life, just remember your good times together and one day, if you believe, you will meet again!
    Sincerely, Caterina

  2. Sending you a huge hug! Take care, my dear !


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