Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I am excited!

My etsy shop has been doing fairly well these past couple of months and so I decided to treat myself to a few items for my log cabin. If rustic decor is your mini style, I encourage you to check out miniaturecabindecor4 at I just purchased a butter churn, a wooden treenware bowl and a lovely earthenware style jug. I will post photos of them in the cabin as soon as they arrive. :-)
Also, I now know how to knit and purl so I've started a skinny scarf for myself - knit about 4 rows, purl one just to add some texture. I love the colors in this yarn - there's green, a couple of shades of blue and a soft white all on the tan background. This scarf is my practice opportunity - a close friend just found out she's expecting and I want to try knitting a baby afghan rather than crocheting as I usually do. Wish me luck!


  1. good luck then, De! ah ah!
    Forgive me, you can make better the link you reported on Etsy shop?? I can not find ... I too have a mountain cabin!! thanks.
    kisses from Italy!

  2. Your scarf is very pretty! You are doing well for someone who has never knitted before! I am impressed! I've never knitted either and you are inspiring me to try.... :)

  3. Thank you!

    Kathi, I googled "learning to knit" and found some good written instructions. There are also video tutorials online. It was much easier to learn than I expected it to be...and very relaxing as well.

    Caterina, I will make it into a link for you.

  4. Wow De- the scarf is looking so great! I know how to knit, but somehow I sit wrong and end up with a sore back- so gave it up :(

    I love that etsy store too- I have never bought anything from them, but I love to look and wish :)

    Have a fabulous day!!


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