Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunshine Award!

I received this award from Deborah over at Deborah's Daily Dish. Thanks, Deborah, I was in desperate need of a little sunshine. :-) The difficult part is now passing the award on to 6 other blogs. It's been making the rounds and I don't want to give it to someone who's already had it.

I do want to give it to:
my daughter, Meg, at Inside My Head. She could use a little sunshine.
Hanna at Hanna & Leijona
Glenda at Peppercorn Minis
Jocelyn at AiClay
Norma at Make Mine Mini
Teresa at This and That Miniatures and Life

Enjoy the sunshine everyone!


  1. Thank you. That was so nice of you. Teresa

  2. Thank you De for thinking of me! :) I think the entire blog community has received the award already so I can't afraid I can't pass it on. But still, thank youuu, very sweet of you!! :)

  3. Thank you De! Your blog looks lovely like this, I love the new backdrop and the banner. You are such an inspiration with your work!


  4. Thanks so much, De! I'm bowled over!


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