Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Meet the Jensons

My birthday present to myself today was taking time to make the family for my cabin. I'm pleased to introduce the Jensons - James, Rebekah and baby Emily.
Here they are all settled into the cabin. It's time for some apple pie.
James is quite proud of his little daughter and is surprisingly helpful with her.
Rebekah's work is never done. Once she cuts the pie, though, she will sit down with her family for a break.

James and Rebekah are completely hand sculpted. I used a push mold for the baby's face and she is adorable. I will keep trying to get a good photo of her. I had to make the adults on the smaller side so they would be able to sleep in their bed comfortably. Rebekah would be 5 feet tall and James would be about 5'4".

We are currently in the midst of a huge snowstorm. School was closed today and they've already closed for tomorrow. I don't mind because I kind of enjoy being snowed in. We have food and power. I'll be glad when hubby gets safely home but otherwise life is good - even if I did turn 47 today, lol.


  1. Well, Happy Birthday!!!!
    I love your little family! They are the perfect addition to your cabin!
    Hope you had a very nice day!

  2. Happy Birthday! I turned 47 last month! I love your family! They are wonderful. Yes, James is good with the baby. Glad we had sunshine yesterday after our recent little snow although we were back to rain this p.m. Hoping it's pretty for the Tom Bishop show in Atlanta!


  3. Well Happy Birthday. I hope you had a great day and the whole year will be healthy and prosperous. I will be 67 on Thursday so I have 20 years on you and they have been good years. I love your new family and they look right at home in their new house. Great job on all of it.

  4. Oh Happy Birthday to you De!
    I luv your little family they are really nice!
    Isn't lovely to receive little miniatures for your birthday!
    I would luv that! but one cannot find many here so I ask for lemax Village pieces, I have quite a few now so am filling the cupboards a bit!!!well more than a bit....Miniatures are smaller! lol

  5. Happy Birthday!

    The cabin looks fantastic. I think the family is just so adorable. :-)

  6. Happy Birthday De!!!!!! I hope your day is wonderful and I hope your hubby arrives home safely :) The new family is wonderful!!


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