Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More birthday gifts

The beautiful card was from my husband and all the minis for my cabin are from my son. I won't see my daughters until the weekend.
Some of the new minis go inside. I'm planning to fill the glass jars on top of the cupboard with vegetables. Instead of the corks, I'll use paper fasteners for the lids to look more like home canned goods.
James is using a new bucket to feed the chickens. The rooster is also new. Eventually, I will get everything set up on a base and landscape it.


  1. What fun to get all the birthday goodies! I am so enjoying seeing your cabin filled with homey things.


  2. Felicidades!!!!!!!!!es una cabaƱa preciosa y los personajes una verdadera maravilla.
    besitos ascension

  3. I like the new family of Janson, their little daughter, the atmosphere that you created in this small house, very good and happy birthday!


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