Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another small update

I thought the living room needed something more so I made this chair. It's truly a combination of odds and ends from the wood box. The legs are small clothes pin halves. The arms I think were supposed to be the side rails on a child's rocker. I had to make some adjustments but they worked well for the chair arms. The top of the back is a piece of gingerbread and the bottom of the back is a piece of baseboard. The trim between the front legs was on a hutch that had one broken leg so I had to remove the trim.
Here it is in the living room with the other furniture. Looks like George is going to do some reading before dinner.


  1. Well done - an excellent reading chair!!

  2. Looking good De. I wonder what its like to sit and read while someone else cooks.

    Victoria ♥

  3. you always amaze me De- the new chair looks fabulous!

  4. Victoria, lol. I wouldn't know either.

    Thank you all for your kind comments.

    BTW, the boarding house has a temporary home on top of the entertainment center. It's temporary because hubby is distressed that you can't see the front of the house, or really even the third floor without a ladder.

  5. Ha quedado muy elegante.
    Eres una gran artesana.
    besitos ascension


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