Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Harriet and I have six new followers to welcome to the boarding house.
Natalia does beautiful mini needlework and you can see some of her work at Scarlet Sails Miniatures.

Funda is from Istanbul, Turkey. I don't know how to make the correct symbols for the name of her blog but you can find her work here. She has several example of paintings she has reproduced in 3 dimensional buildings.

Macrupe at Minialev has several lovely miniature quilts as well as some upholstered pieces.

The next three followers I was not able to find links for - Mini Aussie, Marielljessica, and Kevin&Karen. As always, please comment if you do have blog or website links you'd like me to post here.

Thank you all so much for following and commenting. I've enjoyed the opportunity to see your work as well.

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