Saturday, February 12, 2011

I did get the foundation finished

I got my daughter settled with some chicken soup, tea and cold/flu medications. Poor thing is really miserable. She's spending the weekend in bed. I did have a bit of time to finish up the foundation once I got home. I love how it turned out! The upper posts are not yet glued on. I just wanted to get an idea of how it will look. The small town my daughter's college is in has a lot of bungalows. I got some research on exteriors in today, too. :)
Someone on one of my forums asked about built ins in the bungalow. I found some photos online for inspiration and this is what I decided on. The bookcases give me lots of room for accessories to personalize the space and are authentic to the architecture of the house. I could have done benches or glass door cabinets or some combination and still been true to the style but I like the balance of the two identical bookcases.

Hubby has to work tomorrow after church which is no fun for him but it means I will have more mini time. Tomorrow I'll start on the upper story and maybe finish the front door. I'm thinking a deep red for the exterior. It would contrast nicely with the green siding and tan trim. Anyone have any other suggestions for door color? All suggestions will be considered before making the final decision.


  1. Me gusta mucho como te va a quedando la entrada con esas columnas y balcones.
    Un abrazo

  2. Most of the craftsman style bungalows I've seen had stained front doors. Earthy tones inside and out.
    Love watching your progress! There may be one of these houses in MY future someday?


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