Saturday, February 12, 2011

Making sense of all the little bits

Now that I've actually started the build, the instructions make much more sense, lol. It looked very intimidating at first and I've built a lot of dollhouse kits. Assembling the rails was one of the more time consuming projects.
But they are now finished - they've had one more coat of paint since this photo was taken.
The porch column bases are assembled and painted, too. Today I'm working on the stonework for the bases and the foundation. It's going to look just like it did in my head! Always a plus. ;)
I mounted the wall cabinets while I could keep the walls flat. The wall color is a bit brighter yellow than it shows up here - soft yellow but not cream. The base cabinets and appliances are not glued in place. I just wanted to see how everything would look.
Making sure everything is square while it dries. After I work on the porch I need to tape the upper story together to mark paint lines.

Note: Just got a call from one of my daughters. She's really sick so I'm making a road trip to take meds and chicken soup. Guess the stone work will be tomorrow's project. Have a great day!


  1. My goodness I didn't realize how small this really It looks really nice. =)

    Hope your daughter feels better soon.

  2. Thank you, Lataina.

    This is my third half scale project. I really wasn't sure I liked working this small at first but I am thoroughly enjoying this project. I'm running out of room for one inch scale dollhouses so I'm predicting more half scale projects in my future. :)

  3. Wow De- you are moving right along! Get well wishes to your daughter ♥ The upper cabinets in the kitchen look perfect!


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