Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And then there was more

More work done on the wall house, that is. I was up late last night adding a few things. There's now ceiling trim, carpet, window cornices and curtains. The carpet is a sample piece of upholstery fabric. The curtains were made with coffee filters. They are the right color and are lightweight and drape nicely when coaxed with a bit of glue.

The little room at the bottom will be the basement. I know I will have stairs and a red tricycle because my hubby rode his trike down the basement stairs twice as a toddler trying to follow his dad. Even though the rest of the house will be decorated as it is today I want to include that bit of family history.


  1. I like the coffee filter curtains De. Tis is really cute!

    Victoria ❤

  2. Great idea using coffee filters for curtains! They look great!
    How fun to add some family history to your project. :D So cute!

  3. you are so clever! I never would have known those were coffee filters ..great job

  4. I just love your pine walls! It looks great!

  5. De, This is coming along so great! I love what you have done so far!

  6. I learn new tips from you all the time De--fabulous curtains! How sweet to add the tricycle and that memory for your husband- this is such a sweet project- I think you picked the best theme possible for this lucky thrift store find!


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