Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kitchen and dining rooms in the wall house

I sacrificed my last two Michael's hutches to make the lower cabinets and the secretary below. The upper cabinets were made from more stamp blocks. I designed and printed the wallpaper to resemble the real kitchen. The layout is very like the real one. The fridge would be at this end so there's no room for it.
This secretary will be painted white and mirror and knobs added. I will fill it with decorative stuff and add a "glass" door. I am so pleased with this.


  1. I really like the way it looks :)

  2. It looks really nice. It's going to look fantastic when you finish it up. =)

  3. It is coming along beautifully. Just reading back, I agree some things take forever, but they seem a lot quicker when following than from your viewpoint of doing!


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