Monday, March 21, 2011

Change is in the air...

...and in my shop. Due to privacy issues and other problems with my previous selling site I am relocating my shop to There's a link that should take you directly to my shop at the top of the sidebar on the left. I've just begun to move items so if you've been watching something in particular, please be patient. It will show up in the new shop soon. :) Oh, and the new shop name is "De-Lightful Minis by MiniDe." I've combined my blog name and the name of my previous shop - hopefully making it easy for everyone to find.

Have a great week everyone!

PS The shop name is now a live link to my new Zibbet shop.


  1. I hope it's a really positive change for you!
    The wall house turned out SO CUTE, De. I(almost)couldn't believe how adorable it ended up!
    Happy Monday to you!

  2. Dale, if you click on the "Find Me At" part it will take you to my shop. It's been working for me anyway. I'll check again.

  3. De, I'd be putting that link in your posts. Not everyone scrolls the side bars and frankly, I didn't notice it. I'm sorry. :(


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