Saturday, March 19, 2011

A few updates

I haven't posted a photo of the whole house since I finished it so I thought you might enjoy seeing it all at once, :). The photo in front of the house is of my inlaws' dog when she was a puppy. I'm going to recreate her for the house, too.
The beautiful pie on the counter was made by my friend, Gaye, of My Small Obsession. I moved the veggie tray back to where the cake used to be. The pitcher of tea and the glasses, and the mug of tea steeping by the stove are new additions.
The table holds another mug of tea and a stack of mini plates that are my interpretation of the real ones we used to use at family gatherings. Now we use disposable mostly as the family has grown so much. The flowers in the window are new, too.
The only change in the living room is the apron trim I added to the table. It just didn't look finished before.

Now I just have to wait for my HBS order to come so I can customize Mom, Dad, and Panda and I think this project really will be complete.

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