Friday, March 18, 2011

The house was a hit!

Just a quick post to let you all know that the family loved the wall house. Grandkids and great grandkids (as well as the "boys" and their wives) all commented on different things that stood out for them. One of my great nephews (he's 3) desperately wanted to set the tricycle back up - he kept asking me why things were glued down, lol. He was very curious but very gentle and asked some really good questions.

Before taking the house I added and changed a few things. I'll post updated photos sometime this weekend. I'm helping my sister move tomorrow so it isn't likely to be until Sunday.

I just ordered some resin grandparent dolls and a dog from HBS. I will add some hair and repaint a few things but I think they will work well for the house. You will all be among the first to see them. :)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


  1. how wonderful De- I bet that having the family enjoy the house was the best compliment ever :)


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