Thursday, March 3, 2011

A new baby

I helped a friend make a dollhouse for her twin nieces for their last birthday. Yesterday they got a new baby brother and they told Aunt T that part of their family was missing. :) So I was commissioned to fix that problem. I made the crib from various wood scraps and cocktail skewers. The baby was sculpted from polymer clay. Hopefully, the girls will be happy.


  1. Oh¡¡¡¡que bebĂ© tan dulce y tierno¡¡¡Enhorabuena

  2. Adorable! What a great present to recieve, no doubt the girls will be over the moon with it. :)

  3. I love the baby. Sure the girls will be happy.

  4. awww. so cute! The girls are going to be thrilled De :)

  5. What a great job!!! I love the little baby and the crib is just too cute!!!


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