Thursday, March 3, 2011

Time for a good story

I followed a tutorial in the December 2010 American Miniaturist to make more books for the bungalow shelves. Gayle Baillargeon shows how to make long sections of books in 1:12 scale in the article. I just made mine much smaller and had to be a little less detailed but they look good and very real. I also made a couple of stand alone books to add some dimension. I had already put several printie books on the shelves. Now I have enough variety to look good, I think.


  1. Oh¡¡¡está genial y muy real¡¡¡Enhorabuena

  2. I love your books! It makes your room look so comfy!

  3. I never get tired of seeing the living room in the bungalow- I just love it so much- I kind of wish it were my real living room. The bookshelves look great!!!

  4. It looks fantastic De. I can't believe what you have done with half scale. I have never seen one look as nice as this. Great job.

  5. Thank you, Doreen! That's very sweet. :)


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