Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two more little gardens

I'm not sure which part is the most fun - hunting for the cup and saucer sets or making the mini gardens? I'm giving 5 away to my fellow tea drinking friends. I have one more to make and then I'll have to find another set to make myself a little garden. This garden would not cooperate to get clear photos but it may be my favorite. There's a book on the bench, a flower garden complete with a birdhouse on a pole and a bird bath with a tiny little cardinal in the middle of the garden. There are a couple of trees at the back and a hedge on the left. I wasn't sure how to make the bird and then I saw a red tissue paper punched star on my tray. I pinched and folded and added a touch of black and like magic there was a tiny male cardinal. :) The bird bath is a painted plastic push pin with the pin removed.
Some of the greenery is hard to distinguish in the photo but there are hedges on each side, lilac bushes in the back and a tree behind the bench. The arbor has a climbing vine with red flowers and there is a stone path to the arbor. This teacup and saucer have a more unique pattern than some I found. I love the green half circles around the rim of the saucer.

The photo behind the last garden is of my son and my nephews wearing clothes that used to be their grandpa's. They got to keep these things when we cleaned my FIL's closet after he passed away. My son is the one on the left. Doesn't he look great in that hat?

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