Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just checking in

Hi everyone - real life has been keeping me busy...and the internet usage level has contributed to keeping me off line. The vegetable garden is nearly cleared and planted, though. I am hoping to finish it today. Then it will be on to cleaning up the flower beds around the house. We didn't get much garden work done last year so this year the beds definitely need some help. :)

Another reason I haven't gotten any mini time is that my work room is currently jam packed with garage sale purchases for my daughters' apartments. I rented a storage unit yesterday so one of today's projects is moving furniture.

When I can get back to the work room, I have to get some more earrings photographed and listed and then I think the $7 dollhouse will be the next project. Fingers crossed on that one!

I hope it's a beautiful day wherever you are!

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