Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Finally, the Giveaway!

Real life has gotten in the way of my blog life recently so I am late getting my giveaway posted but here it is. The winner will receive this shabby entertainment center complete with television, DVD player, remote control, DVDs. I've also included a cordless telephone on a charger. I'm showing it inside the cabinet but it isn't fastened down so can be put wherever you like in your project. Most of the items inside the cabinet are held in place with tacky wax so could be rearranged as well.
The television is a refrigerator magnet but everything else was made or altered by me.

The rules are as follows:
1. You must be a follower as of June 22, 2011, midnight Eastern time.
2. You must comment on this post indicating that you wish to be entered in the drawing.
3. You can get a second entry in the drawing if you tell me which of my projects is your favorite and why.

I will draw the winning entry on Friday, July 15, 2011. Good luck~I look forward to your comments. :)


  1. The Willowcrest dollhouse! You've had so many neat ideas with its homemade furnishings (my favs being the shower in the bathroom and the pringle's lid table).

    Also, I'd like to be entered in the drawing :D

  2. I love whaat you have done to the Willowcrest dollhouse. I love the cute cabinet that you made for the give away. Your minis are a great inspitration to those who are just getting back into making minis. I am currently working on putting together the Willow Dollhouse.

    I would love to be added to the give away.

    Thanks Alicia

  3. Fantastic giveaway! Please, count me in.
    I like Willowcrest dollshouse because is a particular house.
    Bye Faby

  4. Wow what a wonderful giveaway just what every home needs. :) please count me in. I love the bar room it looks so cool the details are great. :)hugs xxxx

  5. My favorite of your recent creations is the shower stall! I love that whole bathroom! You are SO creative. Please enter me in your giveaway and keep up the great Willowcrest makeover!

  6. hola, cuenta conmigo en tu sorteo, por favor
    lo anuncio en mi blog

  7. Hola De! me encanta lo que sorteas, anótame, ya soy tu seguidora.
    Lo anuncio en mi blog.
    Un abrazo

  8. I love the potting shed and garden you made using a real life watering can!

    It is so clever and looks great!
    You are the queen of transforming Michael's hutches! I also like the desk you made with one.

    I would love to be entered in your give-a-way.

  9. Your works are all very interesting, but I prefer your sofa and chairs especially that of 6 october 2010, because I love sofa...... you must see the name of my blog!!!!

    I'd like to participate in the drawing and I put your link on my blog.

    Thanks for this opportunity and greetings

  10. I'd love to take part in You wonderful giveaway, so will You please count me in =0}

    My favorite from Your projects... Not easy cause everything in so nice..
    But cause I'm a BIG fan of witchy things and I LOVE Halloween it has to be Your Halloween Swaps 2010 project, cause Wanda is just so "adorable" - well everything in that "box" is awesome to me.. And like I said.. I LOVE witchy things (I watch those pictures every time I come here - I love it =0})

  11. Hello! I'm new to your blog by a week or two--looks like I joined at the perfect time! :-) Please include me in your giveaway. My favorite of your projects so far has been the curtains and blinds. I love how you used paper and an old placemat for them--I was struck by how creative that was. I love recycling things to make other things too! Thank you for this lovely opportunity!

  12. Me encantaria participar,y te anuncio en mi blo,te invito a que pases por mi blog que tambien estoy de sorteo.


  13. I love everything you've done with Willowcrest, but perhaps my favourite still are those adorable tea cup gardens you made before starting with Willowcrest.

    I would love to take part in you're awesome giveaway.

  14. Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
    Una de tus escenas que era un salon con una mesa de billar me encanto, porque ademas de muy original te quedo preciosa.
    Subo el aviso a mi blog
    besitos ascension

  15. I'd love to participate in your lovely giveaway. Please count me in.

  16. Hi De. It is hard to say which project I liked most. The african violets are great but Lou is terrific. I like what you are doing with the Willowcrest and the curtains really make such a difference. I am enjoying following along although I have not been commenting much. I hope to get back to miniatures soon. Since the warm weather came we have been working mostly in the gardens outside.

  17. I would like to enter and my favorite item that you made was the table from a pringles lid, I thought that was very clever. my second choice would be the dresser you made out of a soap box for the boarding house.

    I still feel sorry for the doll who lost her BF in the war, you should make it a happy ending and give him back to her.(truthfully you inspired me to make my 1930 diner food, I sort of like WWII stuff not the war but just the things that went on then.

    sorry to ramble

    Marisa :)

  18. Me gustaría participar en tu sorteo,
    ahora subo el enlace a mi blog.Besos.

  19. hola ya tienes una seguidora mas, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, ahora lo pongo en mi blog, besos.

  20. ich bin auch da ;-)
    Schönes gibts bei Dir zu sehen!

    Lg Ines

  21. I would love to enter in your pretty giveaway. I don't no, when I was your follower. I love your table from a Pringles potato chip can lid. I love recycling. Hugs from Craftland

  22. NO sabría por que proyecto pues todos son muy buenos y bonitos, pero me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, gracias

  23. come resistere sono dei premi fantastici quindi sono felice di partecipare ;-)
    sei su
    sono già tua fans
    io adoro la progettazione di questa trovo tutto bellissimo non mi resta che incrociare le dita ciao rosa.kreattiva

  24. Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo ,,besoss


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