Thursday, June 23, 2011

Willowcrest update

Sinces I took this photo I put a black wash over the gray shingles. They look almost like slate now. I'm very happy with the color combination.
I made a fern for the living room. I've also button tufted all the throw pillows and the cushions on the chair since taking this pic.
I made a pretty nightie to hang on the bathroom door.
I don't have a photo but I used the bottom of a Michael's hutch to make an island style cabinet for the kitchen - although it doesn't sit in the middle like an island. I used the top of the hutch to make this window seat and...
...this bookcase. In the foreground you can see the leather ottoman. The wing chair needed an ottoman to make it a truly comfy reading spot, lol. The details are adding personality to the house. Eventually, I have to make the residents, too.

Thanks to all who've entered the giveaway so far and for your comments. It's fun to see what everyone's favorite project is. See the post below to enter if you are a follower.


  1. May I ask, how did you make the fern for the livingroom? I want to put a Bostom fern in my Victorian dollhouse livingroom. Thanks!

  2. You have really made a nice job with this. It looks awesome.
    Your very talented. Lovely (^^)

  3. Thanks everyone!

    Jennifer, ferns are really easy. For each leaf, fold and glue a piece of floral tape about 2 inches long over a piece of thin floral wire - also about 2 inches long. Make several of these. I used 6. By the time you've finished the last one, the first one should be dry enough to work with. First cut the tape into a rough leaf shape then snip out little triangles along each edge to make the leaves look fern like. slightly curve the leaves, trim the stems to the right length for your pot and plant them in some clay. I then cover the top of the clay with a bit of tacky glue and some dried coffee grounds or tea leaves. The pot can be a small lid, a large bead or an actual dollhouse pot.

    I hope my explanation makes sense. Let me know if you have questions.


Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are greatly appreciated!