Monday, August 8, 2011

Making shopping easier

I've added several new items to both of my zibbet shops. To make it easier to shop I've added direct links in the left sidebar. If you click on the DeLightful Minis by MiniDe banner you will go to my mini zibbet shop. If you click on the Designs by De banner you will go to my earring shop. At this point you still need to register to shop at zibbet but I hope you will do so. With all the changes in the online shopping sites I think zibbet will grow quickly and you can find many beautifully crafted items there. The zibbet administration has been working hard to roll out some wonderful improvements to the site that will benefit shoppers and sellers alike but it is taking longer than anticipated. That's why it's still necessary to register. Please do!

The pink and brown china cabinet is now listed at DeLightful Minis as well as several items that used to be in the etsy shop. A teammids friend gave me some great ideas for new dolls so be watching for those to be coming soon.

End of commercial. ;)

Yesterday my wonderful husband and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. Church, dinner, movie and dessert made for a full but great day. We saw "Cowboys and Aliens." It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen but we enjoyed it. And really, can a movie starring Harrison Ford ever be bad? LOL

Have a wonderful week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi DE I always enjoy my visit to you. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. LJ


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