Friday, August 5, 2011

Play time!

I made a spider plant for Baily and Josh's living room. Baily's enjoying a quiet afternoon reading.

Earlier today I made bread and butter pickles and a spicy sweet zucchini relish. The pantry is looking good. :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. The living room is beautiful and welcoming! : D

  2. The plant looks great! Picks up the green in the foot stool:)

    Hope all is well on your end:)

  3. The spider plant looks great. Hugs Maria

  4. What a sweet room!
    I'm wondering about that zucchini relish recipe--have never made it but a friend of mine LOVES the stuff! :)
    Just hopping by to say hi!

  5. Thanks everyone! I love making mini rooms look cozy and lived in. :)

    April, I make both cucumber and zucchini relish - sometimes both in the same batch. There isn't a lot of difference in the finished product except that the zucchini is a bit milder. Zucchini can also be used to make pickle slices. My recipe comes from the Ball Canning cookbook. There isn't a lot of variation in recipes so you can probably find one online, too. :)


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