Saturday, October 29, 2011

A visit to Wanda's kitchen

Well, I think we've discovered Wanda's vice - she appears to love hats. (The two new ones on the hutch came from the Round Robin swap box but I think they were made by Sandy Copeland. She also made the other two.)
Wanda has been stocking up on potions. She now has a good selection of ingredients on her top shelf. Maybe she can figure out how to get back to her usual color instead of the green, lol. She now has a friendly spider, too. He's been happily spinning webs all over the kitchen. He even made a "lovely" curtain for the window.
Wanda got a new mama cat after one of my thrift store visits. The kitten is on the windowsill.


  1. Olá querida,,venho te convidar para participar da festa que está acontecendo nesse momento no meu blog que está completando 4 aninhos. venha saborear deliciosos bolinhos e participar de um belo sorteio, a regrinha se encontra no final do post, querendo aparecer, será uma honra...Beijossss

  2. Oh I love this! How adorable. I saw your link in the Zibbet blog roll.

  3. What is Wanda brewing up for Halloween??? Hugs, LJ ps I love Blue!!! That is a perfect name for that cat...


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